Monday, April 25, 2016

day 1 presentations

the necessity of college- knew the topic, made good eye contact
Fracking- informative and concise 
social media- colorful and well informed
legalizing marijuana- good organization, and good info
electroshock therapy- (me)
capital punishment- best organized power point 
legalizing marijuana- made good eye contact and had good points
lgbt rights- colorful presentation, knew the topic
legalizing marijuana- made good points, highlighted what was mentioned before but the presentation was still good. 
islamophobia- I enjoyed the video clip and the presentation was good 
gun crime rates- made good points and had good correlation topics such as tyranny being a possibility 

Monday, March 28, 2016

PowerPoint review

Today's class presentations were all over varying controversial topics. The most prevalent topic was over the use of Marijuana in the United States. Due to the repeat of the topic, it was tough to tell which presentation  stood out the most. In my opinion it was an overused topic and I wish I would have seen less of it. Out of all the presentations done today, I believe that the first presenter did the best job. The rest of the presenters were either shying away from eye contact or reading off their power points.

Due to the fact that not all of us are prepared with an extraordinary stage presence, it makes only a few presenters stand out.Overall, The best presentations were those with a good use of color and sufficient pictures. Some students did forget to add images and their presentations were not as visually appealing. If I could do this presentation again, I would probably have sent the assignment on time and added more pictures even though my pictures were not few.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Del Toro's Op Ed essay response

Since the start of monsters in books, and evil creatures lurking around in ones mind, the Vampire is the most notorious for lasting the test of time and accompanying us in both television and books. Today the vampire is much different from how it was originally portrayed in the first Dracula book in 1897. With the change in time, the new vampire is much more seductive and a lot less scary. In movies such as twilight, a vampire is seen as someone that can fall in love with humans and has a form of compassion towards those close to them. This evolved vampire image causes the vampire to be more desirable to reader and viewers alike.

The new image of the vampire also changes the wide range of viewers. The vampire is now popular to any age and now especially to young teenage girls. Current movies portray the vampire as a pale handsome blood drinker who prays on the weak. During this current decade, all and any movies having to do with vampires are heavily romanticized and are no longer about scaring the viewers. Due to the dramatic change from monster to a romantic killer, the vampire is now a part of television shows as well; making the vampire a well known monster across the world on movie theaters and books.

Del Toro's point of view having to do with the widespread popularity of the vampire is therefor correct, there is clear evidence that the new vampire is pulling at heart strings and pushing through to maintain alive in both out hearts and our minds. Although the essay was probably meant for some laughter, by stating that an unreal creature will never die, the viewpoint is by no means incorrect it is indeed a well written humorous paper with good points to back up Del Toro's view on vampires being immortal in today's society.

source: " Why Vampires Never Die" -Del Toro. NewYorkTimes, 30 July 2009. web 21 March 2016

Electroconvulsive Therapy helpful or not?

Electroshock Therapy is a sensitive procedure done on patients under general anesthesia, which means that the whole body is asleep when receiving electrical currents through the brain. This method is often used when other treatments for a mental illnesses such as depression, are unsuccessful. Early treatments of ECT were not administered in the same way, many patients suffered side affects such as fractured bones and memory loss due to anesthesia not being used in the very first attempts of electroshock therapy.

 Around seventy years have passed since the very first ect method was done, and it seems that fear of similar side affects occurring are preventing many psychiatrists from ever using this technique. The problem is no longer having to do with the lack of anesthesia, rather the minimal knowledge on how etc works so quickly but has different results per patient. 

Many studies have been done since the beginning of ECT and to this day there still seems to be some side affects linked to electroshock therapy. A common side affect that is experienced is immediate memory loss after your first treatment; this temporary side affect is highly feared of by many patients due to the variation it has on everyone; some patients regain there memory in as little as twelve treatments while others wait twenty or more treatments to recover their memory. Many success stories can be accompanied after an ECT treatment but it is generally suggested to have an ECT treatment done if all other treatments are ineffective.

Because electroshock therapy is quick to work on most patients, it is also accompanied by a high relapse rate on patients with depression;due to the relapse some doctors may suggest psychotherapy or medications after the final ECT session. For those who are against electroshock therapy it's because, they do not believe in the quick fix that ECT promises but for patients who have attempted all medications recommended and have had no success, ECT may be the only chance of recovery from a grave mental illness.

Source Citation

Dahl, Melissa. "Electroconvulsive Therapy Can Be Helpful." Mental Illness. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Shock Therapy Makes a Quiet Comeback." 2008. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.

"Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)." - Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic Staff, 19 Sept. 2015. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Is College worth the stress?

Forest Gump once said " life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get". This comment, although somewhat cheesy sounding can not be any more closely tied to reality itself. Ever since birth my parents had my life figured out, I was meant to act proper and live up to my name and status back in Bogota, Colombia. Fast forward nineteen years and i'm here in America for a few reasons really, but if I ask my mom to this day,she will always say the same thing she told me when I was young. My mom told me that I had a better chance living out my dreams in the United States. Although it didn't make sense when I was young, I understand now what she meant by that, it was always her preparing me for a future better than her own.

This week,I was told to read and analyze three different viewpoints over what other people think of a college education.  I read them all as expected of me and I can honestly say that I agreed with parts of all of them and disagreed as well. One article that I disagreed with the most was the article by Caroline Bird, titled College Waste. Caroline's sincere opinion is mostly her talking poorly of a college education. It occurred to me when reading her article to search her up on google, and turns out this famous writer went to Oxford University, seems to me that her schooling at the well known Oxford University did not leave her all too happy. 

If Caroline went to Oxford and her article goes against attending college there must be some confusion in her part on how she views an education. Contradiction is not a writer's strongest suit at all. Following her article, I read the article by William Zinsser labeled College Pressures, written in 1978 his article was a delightful read and mentioned some of the struggles that college students face. His article was one of my personal favorites, Zinsser mentions a lot of good points such as having to please your parents while also finishing your assignments on time and trying to figure out your path while your peers are going through different career paths. His article seemed to reach out to the majority who go through some of those struggles and it seemed the most realistic. 

The last article was also a critique but not so much towards colleges, What true education should do written by Sidney Harris, was definitely headed down the right direction pointing out the fast paced classes that colleges offer. She tells readers that the brain although resilient and a powerful storage place, is not capable of long term retention of any important material when all college students seem to do is study with a limited amount of time in between before you move onto the next subject. Her opinion was quite true when one truly thinks about it, some students attend college for four years and hope to make it forward onto a job but when your memory is put to the test most of the retained information disappears into a black hole in your mind. If anything the article written by her should be studied by all professors and maybe we can take into account what is wrong with education and try to fix it. Of all the articles this one was the most intriguing and possibly my favorite; all articles overall were written in the 70's and its safe to say that each opinion is valid if not somewhat close related to today's schooling.